The most effective treatments are not always medications, but personal interaction with people and horses. Repetitive movement on the horse in a rhythmic pattern of motion creates responses in children that help them achieve functional goals. Hippotherapy enhances traditional therapy by allowing children to experience a special connection—sensory and physical—with their horse and the nature that surrounds them as they work toward their goals.
At Horseplay Therapy Center we treat children with a variety of diagnoses. These include Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, ASD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Spinal Cord Injury, sensory processing disorders, genetic disorders, and more.
Hippotherapy & Physical Therapy
A child who comes to Horseplay Therapy Center for physical therapy works one on one with a therapist to increase gross motor function. They might work on things like head control, sitting balance, crawling, standing, walking, going up and downstairs, jumping, running, or walking on a balance beam.
Achieving physical therapy goals brings each child closer to reaching their highest level of potential.
On horseback, the therapist uses different positions to work different muscle groups. The horse’s movement naturally challenges the rider’s balance and coordination. Horses walk like humans walk, so a child who is non ambulatory is able to feel the body movements associated with walking. By riding the horse and feeling the repetitive motion of the horse’s walk, a non ambulatory child can often learn to walk themselves.
Our physical therapists spend time working off of the horse as well as on the horse for maximized results.
Hippotherapy & Occupational Therapy
A child who comes to Horseplay Therapy Center for occupational therapy works one on one with a therapist to improve fine motor skills and work on activities of daily living. Activities of daily living include socializing and playing appropriately with other children, dressing, self feeding, and more. Fine motor skills include stacking blocks, doing puzzles, holding a pencil or crayon, and using a spoon, or fork. We also help those with sensory processing issues to participate more actively in their home and school environments.
Occupational Therapists use different positioning on the horse to maximize balance, coordination, weight bearing, and timing. They combine therapy activities on the horse with fun therapeutic activities off of the horse to achieve the greatest outcomes.
At Horseplay Therapy Center we treat children with a variety of diagnoses including ASD (autism spectrum disorder), Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury, developmental delays, genetic disorders, and more.
Hippotherapy & Speech Therapy
A child who comes to Horseplay Therapy Center works one-on-one with a speech therapist to improve production of speech sounds, language development, fluency, receptive language skills, and more. We understand that communication is vital to being independent. Delete this line: Together our pediatric speech therapists have over 50 years of experience in teaching children to communicate effectively. Insert: Our speech therapists are skilled and eager to help your child communicate!
Pediatric Speech and Language Pathologists use the repetitive, rhythmical, organized movement of the horse to facilitate organization in the mind and body of the child. This organized thinking helps the child to put their words and thoughts together so as to communicate more effectively. Patient’s are also very motivated for their horses to start moving. It has happened on multiple occasions that a child will say their first word in an effort to get their horse to go! Speech therapists combine therapy activities off of the horse with therapy on the horse (hippotherapy) to achieve the greatest outcomes.
At Horseplay Therapy Center we treat children with a variety of diagnoses including ASD (autism spectrum disorder), Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Down Syndrome, genetic disorders, traumatic brain injuries, receptive and expressive aphasia, developmental delays, and more.
“Since starting hippotherapy its been so much fun to see Greyson blossom and grow! His teachers recently reported that his attention span and ability to be present have increased noticeably. His core strength, balance, handwriting and sensory seeking have all improved remarkably. The way you care about each and every child is palpable!”
“This therapy helps Braden’s body strength and balance. After he started hippotherpay he gained more balance that helped his walking, running, climbing, and jumping. Every time we come here Braden gets very excited and happy. We are very happy to to be a part of HorsePlay Therapy.”
“HorsePlay has been an amazing experience for us and invaluable for our son. He likes to come here because he thinks he is just going to play with the horse. The volunteers and the people are amazing.”
“After Maliah started doing hippotherapy, she finally started saying her first words and taking her first steps.”